Course designation: Master in Political Philosophy
Institution: University of Minho
Scientific areas: Philosophy and Ethics; Political Science and Citizenship
Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Merrill
Brief presentation:
The MA in Political Philosophy is open not only to graduates in philosophy, but also to all those who completed degrees in other areas,whether they are full-time students or accumulate with a job, and have a special interest in the critical study of Political Ideas.
The course covers the analysis of the most relevant topics in the history of modern political thought, as well as a careful exploration of some of the main issues of Political Philosophy today. The latter are organized into three core subjects: theories of justice (equality of opportunity, wealth distribution, poverty alleviation, property-owning democracy, basic income, etc.); theories of recognition (multiculturalism, feminism, collective identities, etc. ), and theories of democracy (representation, participation, deliberation, among other aspects).
The faculty includes professors from the University of Minho, from universities of Spain, and from other universities in Europe and North America (list of professors here). Furthermore, this Master course has a global outlook benefiting from the international research networks and events promoted by the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, at the University of Minho.
For more information, please contact the coordinator:
Roberto Merrill
E-mail: [email protected]
Postal address:
Departamento de Filosofia
Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga